How I Got Here: The Work You Can’t Not Do

by Feb 17, 2018Career

So how did I get here, and what is in it for you?  After being laid off as a media executive for the second time in a couple of years in a media industry still searching for itself, I seriously started to think about what else was out there. What was I good at? What gave me energy instead of taking it away? Where else could I make a difference?

In the midst of brainstorming and soul searching I became obsessed with Ted Talks – especially this one. It’s Scott Dinsmore whose own story is as powerful as the question he poses: “What’s the work you can’t not do?” It was a pivotal question, phrased just the right way at just the right time for me. When I thought back on my career and the work I couldn’t not do – it always came back to coaching, teaching and telling stories.

I’ve watched this video dozens of times. I go back to it when I’m doubting my journey. I thank Scott for living his legend, and for challenging me to do the same.

Scott’s Legacy: