
How can we help you?


Chris is an experienced leadership consultant, facilitator and executive and team coach who is hired by executives, teams and companies looking to stop chasing their tails and start gaining perspective so they can make more powerful decisions.  Services include:

• Certified Executive and Team Coach
• Corporate Trainer
• Group Facilitator
• Change Management Consultant

From the start, Chris impressed me with his skills as a manager and a coach

Cable Network Executive


Chris is a Professor of Practice at Wake Forest University where he focuses on the changing face of media and storytelling in the digital age. Teaching in both the on-campus and online environments, his focus areas include: The Business of Sports Media, Storytelling using Digital and Social Media, Digital Transformation, and Messaging and Storytelling across all platforms. Engagements of interest include:

•Guest Speaker, Lecturer, Panelist
•Subject Matter Expert for Media Commentary and Analysis
•Curriculum Consultant
•Academic Research or Creative Partner

This has been one of my favorite classes I have taken at Wake

Wake Forest University


Chris has become a master at partnering with executives, teams and brands and helping them craft, hone and tell their story in just the right form on just the right platform at just the right time.   Services include:

•Multi-platform Media and Content Strategist
•Social Media and Messaging Expert
•Seminar: Communicating as a Leader: Messaging with Clarity, Authenticity & Impact
•Seminar: Crafting and Telling Your Story: The Power of Digital and Social Media

I literally was hanging on to every word Chris said….I learned a lot and he taught me to change my way of thinking.

Storytelling Seminar


Let's Get Growing

How can we help you, your department or company improve?  Please fill out the form on the right or call us at (860) 263-9830


2425 L Street NW
Washington DC 20037
United States

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